40 Deals Under $4 for the 4th

How do you compete with pancake breakfasts, parades, bike rides, fun runs, candy drops? With a really, really, really good sale. Like stop-in-your-tracks, empty that coin jar, and head to SimpleAddiction.com sale. Drum roll please... our favorite Top 40 Under $4 For The 4th (if it ends in .97, go ahead and use code CLEARANCE for an additional 20% off):
Aztec Warmers, Headbands, Button Leg Warmers,
Candy Ball Earrings, Boot Cuffs, Button Boot Cuffs, Hair bows, Lace Leg Warmers
$0.97 + 20% Off with code: CLEARANCE
Shop:1.95 Glitter and Leather Bow Headbands
Shop: 1.97 Fidget Spinners, Paige Pom Pom Shorts
(20% off with code: CLEARANCE)
Shop 2.95 Dainty Arrow Bracelet, Simple Velvet Choker Necklaces
Shop 2.97 Onesies (9 styles), Chelsea Charm Bracelets and Polka Dot Scarves
(use code: CLEARANCE for an additional 20% off)
Shop 3.97 leggings, hats and pillow covers
(use code: CLEARANCE for another 20% off)
Shop: 4.97 100% Leather Moccasins
(use code: CLEARANCE for an additional 20% off)
Shop: 4.97 select Graphic Tees, Knit Sweater Pillow Covers
(use code: CLEARANCE for 20% off)